Marshall Mich Churches Online - General Guide to Arts & Trails Table of Contents Marshall Churches Online Listings with an asterisk (*) offer live services on Sundays. *Crossroads Church and Ministriesmany recent videos from Crossroads Church are on this page: Albion’s Jeff Thomas sings “Were You There?” at Crossroads Church “I Will Trust” Their Easter Worship Service online is below: Look on the main Facebook page to see this week’s service: Back to the top Family Bible ChurchMany recent videos from Family Bible Church are on this page: Easter Sunday worship service video is below: Look on the main Facebook page to see this week’s service: Back to the top * Grace Baptist Church of MarshallMany recent videos from Grace Baptist Church of Marshall are on this page: Easter Sunday worship service video is below: Look on the main Facebook page to see this week’s live service: Back to the top Marshall United Methodist ChurchMany recent videos from Marshall United Methodist Church are on this page: Easter Sunday worship service video is below: Look on the main Facebook page to see this week’s service: Back to the top *Trinity Church-EpiscopalMany recent videos from Trinity Church-Episcopal are on this page: Great Vigil of Easter video is below: Look on the main Facebook page to see this week’s service: Back to the top *St Mary Catholic Parish ChurchSome new videos from St Mary Catholic Parish Church are on this page: Celebration of the Mass of the Lord’s Resurrection video is below: Look on the main Facebook page to see this week’s live service: Back to the top First Presbyterian ChurchMany recent videos from First Presbyterian Church are on this page: Easter Sunday worship video is below: Daily messages on their youtube channel: main facebook page is here: Back to the top Christ Lutheran ChurchMany recent videos from Christ Lutheran Church are on this page: Easter Sunday worship video is below: Look on the main Facebook page to see this week’s service: Back to the top *Surrendered Life ChurchMany recent videos from Surrendered Life Church are on this page: Easter Sunday worship video is below: Look on the main Facebook page to see this week’s live service: Back to the top *Marshall Seventh-Day AdventistMany recent videos from the pastor at Marshall Seventh-Day Adventist Church are on this page: current video is below: Look on the main Facebook page to see this week’s live service: Back to the top *Agnus Dei Lutheran ChurchSome recent videos from Agnus Dei Lutheran Church are on this page: current video is below: Look on the main Facebook page to see this week’s live service: Back to the top Albion Churches Online St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Albion See Albion Churches Online by clicking the image above or the link below:Albion Churches Online Back to the top More Nearby Church News Old Rugged Cross Song - birthplace in Albion - see a variety of performances The author of the Old Rugged Cross, George Bennard - see story by clicking image. Leading Albion’s United Methodist Church Despite an Uncertain Future Back to the top Please share this page with your friends so that you can worship with them, even when you can’t be together in person. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn